For small businesses, getting your name out into the world can often be the hardest part. As much as it’s essential to build a strong and loyal customer base, it’s also important to branch out into new territories and attract new customers. As the saying goes, you shouldn’t put all your eggs in one basket, and this is especially true for business. Although there are numerous ways from which you can attract new customers, there are few more original that plain ‘ole giving stuff away for free. By this, we mean using promotional business items to attract and retain new customers by attending events. Events are a great place to meet new customers and really get to know them, what they like and don’t like, and understand how you can improve your product or service to suit them better.
In this article, we’ll be reviewing the benefits that come with correctly using business promotional items and giving them away at events and expos.
Get Noticed
The first and immediate benefit that comes with using promotional items is getting noticed, either directly or indirectly. What we mean by directly or indirectly is:
Direct – people will see your stall and notice that you are giving away free items. Whether it’s pens, flags, or something a little more out of the box, people can’t help themselves when it comes to freebies. Equally, when people see a stall that has a crowd of people around it, they will be drawn like moths to the flame to see what they could be missing out on. Creating that initial buzz can be vital for success at an event.
Indirect – part of the great thing about freebies is that everyone else at the event will see people carrying them around with them. Even if they have never heard of you or know what your business does, everyone else that takes your promotional items instantly becomes a brand ambassador for your company.
Continual Reminder of the business

Even after the event has finished, if you create a great promotional item, people will be reticent to throw it away, leaving them with a constant physical reminder of your business. Pens are a great choice because people always need them, whether in the car, in your bag or in a jacket pocket, they are useful to keep handy. Notepads and other stationery items also go down well and are cost-effective to produce. You could also look to branch out into more creative options such as frisbees, stress balls or coffee mugs.
Exchange for Information
At business events, many people descend on stools that are packed with freebies like vultures, and within an hour, the business can be left with nothing to show for it. One way to counter this is to offer up freebies in exchange for something, essentially rendering these items as bargaining chips. Maybe they have to complete a small survey to get a pen, or simply fill out their email or exchange a business card for a coffee mug. Although these items are made to be given away, make sure you’re getting something worthwhile from them and extracting useful information from visitors.
Promote the Quality of Work

Although this may not be relevant for all sectors, free promotional giveaways can be a great opportunity for people to sample your product or service. Smaller versions of products could be made to giveaway, or you could give people discount codes and coupons to receive a free item from ordering online. Either way, you want to ensure that what you’re giving away to people promotes the quality of your work and shines your business in the best light possible.
Reason to Follow Up

The good thing about events is that it breaks the initial ice between new customers and the business. Rather than coming in cold, people will be at the event with the mindset of meeting new people and talking about products and services. This also means that when you follow up a week or two later, by, for example, adding them to an email list, for example, they will already be warmed up to your business and what you do. Especially if they have met you and tried some of your product, or know about your service, then following up can be a lot easier and gain better results.
Are you thinking about sourcing some promotional freebies? Then look no further than us here at Brightsea! Not only can we get some fantastic printed materials for you, but we can also help you every step of the way with designing them too! Why not get in touch to find out more about our Exeter printing services, or check out our services page to see all the promotional materials we offer!